templates/view/lost-password.html.twig line 1

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  267. {% block title %}Lost password - {{ parent() }}{% endblock %}
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  273.                 <div class="p-fluid p-mt-3">
  274.                    <h2>
  275.                     {% trans %}Did you{% endtrans %} <span>{% trans %}forget your password?{% endtrans %}</span>
  276.                 </h2>
  277.                 {% if error_message is defined %}
  278.                     <p>{{ error_message }}</p>
  279.                 {% endif %}
  280.                 {{ form_start(form) }}
  281.                     {{ form_row(form.email, {'label': 'Enter your email address below to receive instructions on how to reset your password'|trans, 'attr': {'placeholder': 'Enter your email address'|trans,'class': 'p-col-12 p-lg-9 p-inputtext p-mt-3','autofocus': 'autofocus'}}) }}
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  283.                         {% trans %}Send email{% endtrans %}
  284.                     </button>
  285.                 {{ form_end(form) }}
  287.                 <a href="/login" class="back-to-login">
  288.                   &#8678;  {% trans %}Sign In{% endtrans %}
  289.                 </a>
  290.                 </div>
  291.             </div>
  292.         </div>
  293.         <div class="imageDiv display-flex p-col-12 p-lg-6">
  294.             <img
  295.                     src="assets/forgot_password-illustration.svg"
  296.                     alt="Login cover picture"
  297.                     width="70%"
  298.             />
  299.         </div>
  300.     </section>
  301. {% endblock %}